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Teen Strength Coaching GympieAs an experienced and highly qualified coach and having spent years in and out of gyms I have seen a wide range of teens attempting to lift weights for the first time with the level of belief in their own skill that only a teenager could achieve. These efforts in the gym are a great advertisement for the decision of many gyms to limit access to teens. Having witnessed a wide range poor exercise technique with little to no supervised coaching, these teens are the pin-up examples of injuries waiting to happen. Teen strength coaching is a key element to preventing these enthusiastic kids from injuring themselves.

Strength Training for Teens

Strength training for teens is safe when supervised by a qualified coach. For a closer look at the science visit Strength training for kids . In Australia fewer than 16% of teens aged between 15-17 undertook the recommended amount of muscle strengthening activities.[1]. This number drops to less than 9.1% for female teens.

Mobile Teen Strength Coaching

Mobile strength coaching provides the ability to train at home under qualified supervision and coaching to learn good lifting technique to avoid injury, improve health, fitness and sport performance. Learning new skills in a safe home environment improves confidence in their own skills.along with improved safety when not under close supervision in a public gym.

My mobile coaching session for teens in the Gympie, Wolvi and Goomboorian area allows for a parent to join in and learn along with their teenager. Send me a message via Facebook or my contact form.


  1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Physical activity [Internet]. Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2021 [cited 2022 Oct. 21]. Available from:
  2. Image by standret on Freepik
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