How to choose a good coach or personal trainer

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How to choose a good coach or personal trainerSo you have decided to get serious about your training and it is time to look for that important piece of the puzzle, a good coach. Choosing the right coach or trainer is important, so here are a few tips on how to choose a good coach or personal trainer.



The first step in choosing the right person for the job is to deciding between a coach or personal trainer. Are you in good health and just want to get fit, loose weight, or improve a bit of strength ? then a personal trainer is the the one for you. Are you healthy and want to take your strength or bodybuilding to the next level then you need a coach specific to your goals, eg. A Powerlifting coach, Weightlifting coach or Strength and Conditioning coach.

How to choose a Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer Qualifications

Qualifications are important when looking at how to choose a good coach or personal trainer. Anybody can call themselves a personal trainer, so the first thing to check is are they qualified. Qualifications vary across the world, in Australia personal training certification is standardised with several levels of certification. A certificate 3 is the minimum qualification. This shows the trainer is qualified to run group fitness classes but is not up to a standard to train you one-on-one. In countries like to United States, there is a wide variety of certifying agencies. These are widely variable in quality.

Continuing Education

A good trainer or coach will continue to learn and not just rely on their initial training. Ask your potential trainer what further education they have done that will benefit you. Hint – watching youtube videos is not further training. Humans are complex, and good understanding of science and psychology are needed.

Personal Training Experience

Experience counts. An experienced trainer will have encountered a wide range of training problems and learned to overcome them. A good trainer will have the ability to think around problems.

The Quick Fix

Nothing in the fitness world is quick. If a trainer is offering a quick fix, magical transformation program – Run. Another red flag is the trainer who has the perfect supplement to make your goals come true.

Understanding their own limits

A good personal trainer will understand their own limits and scope of practice. They will refer you to the appropriate sport specific coach or medical practitioner when your needs exceed their training.

How to choose a good coach

A coach is a different type of trainer. A good coach is less about trying to motivate you in the way a personal trainer will. A coach is more focused on perfecting technique, and achieving performance goals, motivation at the higher levels of sport must come from within.

Education for coaches

A good coach will have training in your specific sport and should hold certification from the governing body of that sport. In the case of Powerlifting in Australia that governing body is Powerlifting Australia (NCAS National Coach Accreditation Scheme).

Experience in the sport

Sports coaches should have personal experience in their chosen sport. An example of this is a Powerlifting Coach should have competed as an athlete and even better if it is at a national level or higher.

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