Hip Hinge Single Leg with Dowel

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Exercise Feature

Hip Hinge Single Leg with Dowel

Fit Girl ready to do a Single Leg Dowel Hip Hinge

The Hip Hinge is a fundamental movement. Fundamental movements are important in the gym and sports performance. They are important for functioning in everyday life. The primary muscles targeted are the glutes, hamstrings, and erector spinae. This exercise also relies on your core to assist in the movement.  It is important to keep a neutral spine when hinging to avoid injury especially when picking up heavy objects.

Before you begin

Before attempting any hip hinge exercise you should be able to do two things.

  • Diaphragmatic breathing
  • Abdominal bracing

When you can breathe and brace correctly then it is time to move on to the hip hinge.

While there are several variants of this movement, todays focus is on the single leg variant using a dowel to maintain correct spine alignment.


Stand with your feet at hip width apart with your toes pointing straight ahead. A dowel  is placed along the spine and in contact with your head shoulders and glutes. Hands placed in reciprocal position. Take a diaphragmatic breath and hold it. Brace your abs then breathe out whilst keeping your core tight. Hinge forward on one hip with slight knee bend. Extend the opposite hip and foot backward. Alternate hand and foot positions between sets.

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For all of our exercise videos please visit the Temple of Iron YouTube Channel


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