Functional Movement Screen (FMS) – an introduction

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Functional Movement ScreenThe Functional Movement Screen involves seven specific joint assessments. The results reveal imbalances and symmetry deficiencies in movements of the body. FMS is a screening tool to identify athletes at risk of injury.  I provide Functional Movement Screening in Gympie and surrounding areas.

Method used in the FMS

FMS comprises seven movements that quickly and effectively screen core strength, coordination, flexibility and dynamic stability.

Deep Squat
Hurdle Step
In-line Lunge
Shoulder Mobility
Active Straight Leg Raise
Trunk Stability Push Up
Rotary Stability
Scoring the FMS

Scoring the Functional Movement Screen.

Score: 3

The individual can perform the movement without any compensations according to the established criteria.

Score: 2

The individual can perform the movement but utilize poor mechanics and compensatory patterns to accomplish the movement.

Score: 1

The individual cannot perform the movement pattern even with compensations

Score: 0

given if the individual has pain during any part of the movement.

FMS Outcome

Within the FMS there is an algorithm or procedure for addressing the asymmetries and restrictions found in the screen. The algorithm allows us to quickly identify and prioritize deficient movement patterns. Priority movement pattern once identified, allows for targeted intervention using corrective exercise. Individual with no concerns within a movement pattern are cleared to train and load that pattern. FMS provides an appropriate movement baseline for further physical capacity and performance testing.

In case of pain, a detailed evaluation from a physiotherapist or medical professional is recommended and no exercises will be suggested.

Re-screening provides feedback into the effectiveness of the current program design and provides insight on how and when to move to higher level progressions or a new priority movement pattern.

Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is a scientifically validated screening tool for identifying individuals who may have an increased risk of injury.

Contact me to book a Functional Movement Screen today.

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