How to improve squat depth

Squat Depth

One of the most common questions I am asked is “How do I Improve my depth when squatting”. This article will explain how to improve squat depth. Reaching depth is a critical for competitive powerlifting however it is not essential for some other fitness goals.

Squat Depth for Powerlifters

I looked at squat depth requirements for powerlifting in the post Squat Depth: Are you Deep Enough. If you are unsure of your depth for competition it is helpful to video your lift and compare to the images in the other article.

Squat Depth for Sport Performance

A deep squat us not a skill found within most sports. Scientific studies show there is a vertical jump performance benefit from deep squat training.[1] Many studies use a parallel squat for their data which is not the same as below parallel squats used in powerlifting.

How to Improve Squat Depth

Stance Width While Squatting

Each individual has a differences in the shape and position of the ball joint at the hip. This means there is no single perfect foot width and angle that will suit everybody.. If you cannot squat deeply with a narrow or shoulder width stance then you will usually be able to improve depth by taking a wider foot position.A coach can assist with determining the correct width of your stance. Foot Angle will also effect squat depth and is related to stance width.

Ankle Mobility

Ankle mobility is a major factor in achieving a deep squat and is a problem for a large proportion of the population. A Screen can be done to test for adequate ankle mobility as an injury preventative measure because lack of mobility will affect more than just your squat depth.. Both Dorsiflexion and Tibial Rotation are need. In addition to improving mobility, wearing a shoe with a lifted heel (Squat Shoes) can help compensate. Non powerlifters may simply choose to place small weight plates or wedges beneath the heels when lifting.

The Problem of long Femurs

Femur length poses an additional problem for some lifters. The longer a lifters Femur the more forward leaning the torso position will need to be and becomes a problem when hip and ankle mobility are also lacking. For Powerlifters this means a low bar position is the better option in competition. For Other athletes and general fitness enthusiasts a back squat is not the optimal lift to be including in your training. Moving the weight forward in the form of a front squat or goblet squat will improve squat mechanics and balance.




  1. Hartmann, H., Wirth, K., Klusemann, M., Dalic, J., Matuschek, C., & Schmidtbleicher, D. (2012). Influence of squatting depth on jumping performance. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 26(12), 3243-3261. DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31824ede62
  2. Image by macrovector on Freepik
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